Well blog readers today marks the 8 week mark of French livin' for me here in Roubaix, with the official two month mark being this Wednesday. What an absolutely unreal and indescribable 8 weeks it has been. I never in a million years expected exchange to be like this. It's way more awesome, and way more challenging than I ever could have imagined, but doing it was probably the best decision I ever made in my life. There's a lot of things I miss about Canada, but I've also surprised myself with how much I've grown to love my new life and the people in it. It's funny because I feel like every exchange student says something along these lines at this point in exchange; the amount of learning and changing we go through in such a short span of time is tremendous, and some days it just hits you how insane it is what you're doing. Then there's days where it hits you how different your new life is from home, and you just want to curl up in front of the TV watching Ellen Degeneres and eating ice cream so you can somehow banish that killer ache that is homesickness. But for me, the beauty of exchange is revealed on the days where everything just feels right. Those days where you can keep up a conversation in the new language, or you
finally understand the gibberish that is math class, or those moments of self satisfaction and congratulation because you made yourself do something that was terrifying. Exchange is hard but so rewarding, and I am so grateful to be able to have this experience. This is great.
On that note!! Another great week just passed! And starting tomorrow I have 2 weeks vacation from school, of which I will be spending in Sicily at a house my host family owns there! As far as I know there won't be any internet connection, so this could very well be my last post for a whole 2 weeks (*cue waterworks*) but I'll be taking pictures nonstop, so I'll be able to flood everyone with photos once I'm back! Thanks to everyone who's been reading! You guys rock, BISOUS!!
ps check these totally kewl pics from my week
Moi et Marion ;) |
Marion&Chloe |
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